Rhubarbs and cheese

Preserved rhubarbs for cheese

First the wrinkled green leaves of the rhubarb tell us spring is here. But actually this great plant has two seasons (at least in Denmark), first in May-June and later in August-September.

Preserved rhubarbs

I preserved rhubarbs several times this spring. There is both sweetness from the vanilla and sugar as well as acidity from the rhubarbs together with a fresh crunchyness. It goes well with cheese, for instance a rich and creamy washed rind cheese such as Saint Nectaire AOP.

Rhubarbs and cheese

Preserved rhubarbs

600 g / 21 oz rhubarbs
1 vanilla pod
300 g / 10 oz sugar
1 dl / 0.4 cup water
3 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice


Rinse the rhubarbs. Cut them in thin sticks and put in glass with a closely sealed lid.

Halve the vanilla pod and scrape out the seeds and mix with a bit of the sugar.

Bring water and the rest of the sugar to boil in a small pot until the sugar is dissolved. Add vanilla.

Pour over the rhubarbs. Bring taste in balance with the lemon juice.

Tie closely the lid and place in refridgerator for one or even two days.

Preserved rhubarbs

You can also use it for…

Unless you preserve rhubarbs for a big gathering, you will have some left over. And this is good! It goes well on top of müesli and yoghurt, or as garnish to desserts or even spicy rice dishes.

Rhubarbs and cheese
Preserved rhubarbs

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